Datalogic PowerScan 9500

  • 1D/2D Area Imager čitalec z Auto Range (AR) optiko
  • za uporabo v skladiščih iz viličarja
  • skenira (reflektivne) kode na oddaljenosti do 20 m od čitalca
  • USB, RS-232 ali KBW vmesnik
  • opcijsko z zaslonom in tipkovnico 4-tipke/16-tipk (samo PM9501-AR)
  • hitro izmenljiva baterija

PD9531-AR      žični model

PM9501-AR     STAR Cordless System™ 2.0 radio

PBT9501-AR   Bluetooth® 3.1 wireless technology


Datalogic is introducing the new PowerScan 95X1 Auto Range (AR) Series, the top performing industrial hand held scanner with extra-long range scanning capabilities on 1D/2D barcodes. This addition further expands the PowerScan 9000 family offering by including the Auto Range 2D imaging models.

The PowerScan 9500 AR imager has a powerful autofocus system that allows the scanner to read from a short distance of 15 cm / 6 in to a distance of more than 20 m / 65 ft with a fast focus adjustment, allowing the operator to easily move from a closeup barcode to a barcode at the top of a warehouse rack. A powerful LED lighting system projects a regular pattern with sharp edges that can be used as a field of view indicator in the closeup field, while a laser aimer enables the visibility of the scanner aimer at long distances.

The PowerScan 95X1 AR imagers will share the same accessories as other PowerScan 9XXX series products, allowing a combination of devices and base stations according to the different needs of the user’s environment.